
Here you can find all relevant informations about imgae- and video database, footagematerial and media reports.


The Society of Hop Research provides a broad image database for downloading. The images can licence-free be used for press release. Any use for commercial prupose is expressly prohibited! Please indicate the reference when using the images. We would appreciate if you could send us a specimen copy. By the way: our image database is constantly expanded

For more pictures about hops and beer, please go to:


In cooperation with the German Brewers Association and the Bavarian Brewers Association as well as with the kind permission of the German Hop Growers Association we provide a wide range of footage material for downloading on the online portal “”.

Attention: The material is only for editoral reporting about the hops and the relevant industry.  We kindly ask you to make reference and to send us a proof when publishing (

The material must not be used for advertising purposes! This is expressly prohibited; an infringement will be prosecuted!—die-bewegtbilddatenbank-zum-jubil-um–rohstoffe/s/64daa81c-b03d-4588-a9e0-756c6b090ce2