Personnel support for Plant Protection in Hop Growing in the Regulation of Plant Passport in Hops (Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid, Verticillium-wilt)
For the growing challenges in hop cultivation due to the Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid (CBCVd), as well as the increasing demands on field hygiene, Florian Weiß has been hired at the Hop Research Institute Huell for a newly created position in the working group Plant Protection in Hop Cultivation as of November 25, 2021.
Mr. Weiß grew up in the Hallertau and became interested in hop cultivation at an early age. He gained his practical experience during his training periods on various farms and his temporary work at the Hop Research Institute. His knowledge from his completed studies in the field of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences (Bachelor of Science), as well as his studies in Agrosystem Sciences (Master of Science), which is currently being completed, at the Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan of the Technical University of Munich complement his professional competence.
We are pleased to have in Mr. Weiß a committed and highly motivated new employee in the team of the Hop Research Center who, due to his already acquired knowledge from internships in Hüll, brings with him optimal prerequisites for this challenging task. Mr. Weiß will explicitly take care of the sovereignty enforcement in hop growing as well as the technical preparation of the plant passport and support the implementation.
Due to the legal equalization of CBCVd and Verticillium-wilt by the EU as RNQP (regulated non quarantine pest), the control of the pests is carried out, among other things, by inspections of the planting material, which will be carried out in the future with the support of Mr. Weiß. A positive side effect results from the overlapping of Mr. Weiß’ field of work with the GfH innovation project on Verticillium-research (duration until October 2023), which he will also support and the additional knowledge gained can be directly transferred to hop farmers.
We wish him much fun and success in his work for the “green gold” at the Hop Research Center Hüll!
Walter König
Managing Director