TITAN – Licences can be concluded
After 10 years of intensive observation, cone monitoring, extensive agronomic tests on various German hop-growing sites, as well as numerous brewing trials with different beer styles, the Society of Hop Research (Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung e.V., GfH) together with the Plant Breeding Group of the Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture, has presented the breeding strain 2011/71/19 with the variety name TITAN (TTN) and applied for plant variety protection at the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO).
Now licences can be concluded with the GfH for the cultivation and marketing of this high alpha variety.
I.H.G.C. list of international hop varieties
The Scientific-Technical Commission is annually compiling and updating the I.H.G.C. list of international hop varieties produced in each hop-growing nation. This official variety list of the I.H.G.C. is intended as an aid for the official certification procedure and shall provide an up-to-date overview of the increasingly confusing and highly dynamic field of international hop variety diversity. Usually, it is published every year briefly prior to the BrauBeviale trade fair in Nuremberg in November.
Personnel support for Plant Protection in Hop Growing
Personnel support for Plant Protection in Hop Growing in the Regulation of Plant Passport in Hops (Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid, Verticillium-wilt)
For the growing challenges in hop cultivation due to the Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid (CBCVd), as well as the increasing demands on field hygiene, Florian Weiß has been hired at the Hop Research Institute Huell for a newly created position in the working group Plant Protection in Hop Cultivation as of November 25, 2021.