The Technical-Scientific Working Committee (TWA) consists of the managing committee with at least eight further members elected at the general Meeting (every five years).The TWA advises the managing committee and is to be heard in all matters concerning research. The chairman of the managing committee is also chairman of the TWA.
- Dr. Martin Biendl Hallertauer Hopfenveredelungsges.Gmbh, Mainburg
- Andreas Brunner, Augustiner Bräu Wagner KG, München
- Helmut Fichtner, 1. Bürgermeister Stadt Mainburg, Mainburg
- Jacques Gros Anheuser-Busch InBev, Leuven
- Andreas Kunze, Hopfenpflanzerverband Elbe-Saale, Querfurt
- Dr. Erich Lehmair, Verband dt. Hopfenpflanzer (HVG), Wolnzach
- Korbinian Meier Deutscher Hopfenwirtschaftsverband, Pfaffenhofen
- Bernhard Ramsauer, BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG, Mainburg
- Stephan Schinagl, BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG, Mainburg
- Nils Rettberg VLB-Forschungsinstitut für Spezialanalytik, Berlin
- Wolfgang Ruther Hopfenpflanzerverband Tettnang, Tettnang
- Mario Schäfer, Private Brauereien Bayern e.V., München
- Dr. Georg Stettner Bitburger Brauerei Th. Simon GmbH, Bitburg
- Eric Toft Private Landbrauerei Schönram, Petting
- Hubert Wadislohner Löwenbrauerei Wasseralfingen, Aalen
Further permanent members of the TWA not effected by the election according to subparagraph 4 are:
the respective head of the section “Hops” of the Bavarian State Institution for Agriculture and his/her Deputy.
– Dr. Peter Doleschel and his deputy
the respective chairman of the Technical Committee and the Agrarian Committee of the German Brewers Association (“Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V.”)
– Thomas Lauer
– Christoph Benseler
the respective chairman of the Association of German Hop Growers (“Verband deutscher Hopfenpflanzer e.V.”)
– Adi Schapfl
the respective chairman of the German Hop Trading Association (“Deutscher Hopfenwirtschaftsverband e.V.”)
– Pascal Piroué
at least two representatives of the international special branch of science
– Prof. Dr. Thomas Becker (Lehrstuhl für Brau- u. Getränketechnologie, TUM)
– Prof. Dr. Martin Krottenthaler (Brautechnologie u. Technologie der Getränkeherstellung, FH)
– Prof. Brian Gibson (TU Berlin Fachgebiet Brauwesen)